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What does Topstep Evaluate to Approve My Payout?
What does Topstep Evaluate to Approve My Payout?
Updated over a month ago

Topstep has worked hard to create the easiest and most transparent payout policy in the industry! To help make this even more transparent, we’d like to give you an inside look at what our team looks for when checking for eligibility for a payout, including, but not limited to the following:

Payout Policy

Payout Policy

  • The first check is basic to make sure you are eligible for a payout via our Payout Policy. If you have 5 winning days of $200 or more, you’re eligible!

  • This also includes not taking more than 50% of your account balance or over $5,000 in a single payout, depending on the situation.

Code of Conduct Violations

Checking to make sure you have not violated any of our Code of Conduct articles below. If any of these are violated, it can slow down or decline your payout.

Payout Manipulation

Topstep wants to see all traders work toward consistency in their trading with the intention of making it to the live account. Our Risk Team reviews payouts to ensure consistency in trading and that payout guidelines are followed with good intentions. If there is inconsistency in your trading, our team may require you to review your trades further.

Prohibited Trading Strategies

While Topstep’s rules and parameters help to promote responsible trading, we still see some traders attempting to game the system through strategies that are not indicative of live trading success. The strategies listed here will be flagged and investigated.

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