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Topstep Trading Pledge
Updated over a month ago

After purchasing a Trading Combine with Topstep, the Topstep Trading Pledge will be displayed to you. This pledge is designed to help you better understand our program, foster responsible trading, and encourage accountability for your actions in the market. It serves as a reminder of your commitment to continuous growth and development as a trader. All of the information is available in this article for easy reference, ensuring you're always aligned with your goals throughout your trading journey.

Understand Our Program

I have reviewed the following and understand that Trader Support is available for questions:

Understand the Risk and Trade Responsibly

I have reviewed Topstep's Risk Disclosure and understand that trading is challenging. Developing the skills, habits, and strategies to trade consistently takes time and practice. I also commit to trading responsibly by understanding my risk tolerance and making informed trading decisions.

Commit to Accountability

I have provided my legal name and am accountable for all trading activity in my Topstep Account. I agree to be the only person trading in my account and will not share my account credentials.

Dedicated to Development

I understand that Topstep is more than a funding opportunity, and provides a trader community and resources beyond the Trading Combine, to help me safely develop into a better trader:

Your name (first name, last initial) and trading stats may be mentioned on leaderboards, social media and/or TopstepTV. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

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