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Mobile Verification
Updated over 10 months ago

You will be asked to verify your mobile number when creating your Topstep account. If you receive an error message during the mobile verification process and are unable to verify your phone number keep reading for more information.

Mobile Verification Error Messages

  1. You have exceeded the maximum number of incorrect attempts. You can try again in a few minutes or contact support if you need additional assistance.

  • Please wait a few minutes and retry the process again.

2. This phone has already been verified on another account

  • Traders are only permitted to have one Topstep account, so you will be unable to complete the mobile verification process if that number is already being used. You should log in to Topstep using your original account.

Please note that only one Topstep profile is permitted per user. More details on this policy are available here: Can I have more than one Trading Combine at a time?

3. Something went wrong, please try again.

  • You may receive this error message if you've typed the verification code incorrectly. Please wait a few minutes and retry the process.

4. Invalid country code or phone number

  • Please verify that your phone number was entered correctly, including the country code.

Not receiving the mobile verification code?

If you're having trouble receiving the mobile verification code, please connect with our Trader Support Team by following these steps.

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