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TopstepX™ Fixed Personal Daily Loss Limit
TopstepX™ Fixed Personal Daily Loss Limit
Updated this week

This article is for the Fixed Personal Daily Loss Limit on TopstepX™. To learn more about the Trailing Personal Daily Loss Limit on the TopstepX™ platform, click here.

It's important to note that this update is for the TopstepX™ Trading Platform only. All other trading platforms, including but not limited to, NinjaTrader, Quantower, Tradovate, and TradingView still have the Daily Loss Limit Objective in place.

Beginning Sunday, August 25th (at 5 PM CT) any new or reset TopstepX™ accounts will be created without the Daily Loss Limit. This applies to Trading Combines and Express Funded Accounts only and does not apply to Practice Accounts or Live Funded Accounts.

By removing the Daily Loss Limit on TopstepX™, we're giving traders more freedom and flexibility to trade their way. This update allows you to set personalized limits or trade without a safety net, aligning with your risk tolerance and trading strategy.

How does this benefit traders?

  • Flexibility to trade with more or less risk.

  • Customized limits create a more personalized trading experience.

  • Offers you a more realistic trading environment without guardrails.

  • This allows you to grow and learn at your own pace.

  • Access to more of their capital, with only a Max Loss Limit.

How to set your Personal Daily Loss Limit

Helpful Tips

  • By default, "Do Nothing" is selected if you don't choose Liquidate or Liquidate and Block from the drop-down menu.

  • Once an action is chosen, such as Liquidate or Liquidate and Block, it will be the default setting going forward. This means, in order to change how your Personal Daily Loss Limit works, you'll need to update it in your Settings.

  • If you choose the Liquidate action for your Personal Daily Loss Limit and then hit or exceed that number, in order to continue trading, you will need to increase your PDLL by the amount liquidated, or change your action to Do Nothing.

  • For example, if you set your loss limit to $200, and are liquidated at $209 because the market was volatile and moving quickly, you must increase your PDLL to at least $210 in order to begin trading again.

  • The Personal Daily Loss Limit is calculated on the net profit and loss, and it is updated in real-time.

  • Risk settings like the Personal Daily Loss Limit do not carry over to copy-traded accounts. You need to set them individually for each account.

  1. To set your Personal Loss Limit, click the Settings gear and then click "Risk Settings".

  2. This is where you can set the dollar amount of your Personal Loss Limit, and the action you want to take if it’s hit.

  3. You have three options for how your account will respond if the PDLL is hit:

  • Do Nothing: Continue trading as usual.

  • Liquidate: Immediate liquidation of your account.

  • Liquidate and Block: Temporarily deactivate your account for the remainder of the trading day.

4. Make sure to click "Lock Out Risk Settings For Day" to save your changes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is TopstepX removing the Daily Loss Limit?

You asked, and we listened! By removing the Daily Loss Limit, we're giving traders more freedom and flexibility to trade their way. This update allows you to set personalized limits or trade without a safety net if you so choose, aligning with your risk tolerance and trading strategy.

How will this change affect my trading account?

Starting on Sunday, August 25th, at the market open, any new or Reset TopstepX account will be created without a Daily Loss Limit. You'll have the option to trade without a limit or set a customized loss limit that suits your trading style.

Can I still set my own Daily Loss Limits?

Absolutely, we encourage it! While the default Daily Loss Limit is being removed, you have the freedom to set your own Personalized Daily Loss Limits to match your risk tolerance.

Is this update available on all platforms?

No, this update is currently available exclusively on the TopstepX trading platform. We are working to extend it across all platforms soon.

If I have an active account (not new or reset), how do I remove my Daily Loss Limit?

You can reach out to the Trader Support Team to remove it.

What if I want to keep my Daily Loss Limit?

You still have the option, but now you can set it at whatever amount you want using a Personal Daily Loss Limit.

Is this change happening in the Live Account?

No, but if you are currently in a Live Account and wish to expand or contract your risk parameters, please reach out to the Risk Team directly.

Can you remove my Personal Daily Loss Limit for me?

No, we cannot remove the Personal Daily Loss Limit for you. For traders that still have the Daily Loss Limit in place for an older account, we do allow the removal of this feature upon request. However, once a trader sets their own Personal Daily Loss Limit through the platform, it cannot be removed mid-session. Traders will need to wait until the next trading session to make any changes to their Personal Daily Loss Limit.

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