Yes, you can have more than one Express Funded Account, but it's important to note that this only pertains to the Express Funded Account. Only one Live Funded Account per trader is permitted.
You can have up to five (5) Express Funded Accounts active at the same time. You can see more details and FAQs about Multiple Express Funded Accounts here: Multiple Express Funded Accounts
You can only have one (1) Live Funded Account active. When you receive a Live Funded Account, all Express Funded Accounts are closed, and their remaining balances become the Live Funded Account’s starting balance. You cannot have any Express Funded Accounts while you are in the Live Funded Account. You can see more details here: What Happens When I Get Called Up to the Live Markets?
If you pass another Trading Combine but already have five Express Funded Accounts or a Live Funded Account, any new additional Express Funded Accounts will be on hold/pending until an active Express Funded Account or the Live Funded Account is closed due to a rule violation.