What’s Changing?
Traders moving into a Live Funded Account will have a starting balance based on their total balance across all Express Funded Accounts. Your Live Funded Account starting balance will now be set by your total Express Funded Account balance(s), up to $50K, $100K, or $150K (your largest Express Funded Account size).
If your total balance is less than your max, you bring over your full total balance.
If your total balance is greater than your max, you are limited to your largest Express Funded Account size.
Example Scenarios
If your total balance is below your max: You bring over everything.
✅ You have one maxed-out Express Funded Account
1 x $100K Express Funded Account with $85K → You start Live with $85,000 (since $85K is below your $100K max).
✅ You have multiple Express Funded Accounts of the same size, but your total is still below your max
Four $50K Express Funded Accounts with $12,000 in each → You start Live with $48,000 (since $48K is below your $50K max).
Three $150K Express Funded Accounts with $22,000 in each → You start Live with $66,000 (since $66K is below your $150K max).
✅ You have different-sized Express Funded Accounts, but your total is still below your max
One $150K Express Funded Account with $50K + One $50K Express Funded Account with $25K → You start Live with $75,000 (since $75K is below your $150K max).
One $100K Express Funded Account with $40K + One $50K Express Funded Account with $20K → You start Live with $60,000 (since $60K is below your $100K max).
If your total balance exceeds your max: You bring over only your max limit.
✅ You have one maxed-out Express Funded Account at the cap
1 x $150K Express Funded Account with $180K → You start Live with $150,000 (since your balance exceeds your $150K max).
✅ You have multiple Express Funded Accounts of the same size, and your total is over your max
Three $50K Express Funded Accounts with $30,000 in each → You start Live with $50,000 (since your total is $90K, but your max is $50K).
Three $150K Express Funded Accounts with $60,000 in each → You start Live with $150,000 (since your total is $180K, but your max is $150K).
✅ You have different-sized Express Funded Accounts, and your total is over your max
One $150K Express Funded Account with $140K + One $50K Express Funded Account with $25K → You start Live with $150,000 (since your total is $165K, but your max is $150K).
One $100K Express Funded Account with $90K + One $50K Express Funded Account with $30K → You start Live with $100,000 (since your total is $120K, but your max is $100K).
One $150K Express Funded Account with $80K + One $100K Express Funded Account with $70K + One $50K Express Funded Account with $30K → You start Live with $150,000 (since your total is $180K, but your max is $150K).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Topstep making this change?
The Trading Combine is a way to be evaluated for funding, while the Express Funded Account is a simulated environment that allows you to take payouts while we evaluate traders for Live trading. It’s not meant to be a place to run up huge simulated balances—the goal is to build the habits needed for long-term success in a Live Funded Account where you can run up balances.
Why can’t I bring over my full total balance?
Running up a large balance in an Express Funded Account doesn’t always mean a trader is ready for a Live Funded Account. Traders who take huge swings in their balances may not show the consistency and risk management needed for Live trading.
What happens when I hit the cap and haven’t been called up to Live?
Once you reach the maximum balance cap for your Express Funded Account, you’ll continue trading and taking payouts while being evaluated for Live. The cap is in place to ensure traders are focusing on consistency and withdrawals rather than stacking up unrealized simulated profits.
What happens to the rest of my balance if I’m over the cap?
Any balance over the cap does not transfer to Live.
Does the cap include Live Transfer Payouts?
No, Live Transfer Payouts and previous payouts are separate from this cap.
If I had known that this was coming, I would have done XYZ.
We understand that changes can be unexpected, but this adjustment ensures that traders use the Express Funded Account as intended—focusing on steady growth and withdrawals, not just accumulating large Simulated balances.
Can I get a refund?
No. Your current Express Funded Accounts won’t be affected unless you open a new one. Activating a new Express Funded Account applies the updated policy to all your accounts.
Can I say ‘no’ to moving to Live?
No, you cannot say no to moving to a Live Funded Account. Moving to Live is the next step in your trading career, and reaching this stage means you’ve shown the skills needed to trade real capital. The Express Funded Account is meant to be a stepping stone, not a final destination. This is your opportunity to take the next step and prove you can trade successfully in a Live environment.
Why are you forcing me to move to a Live Funded Account?
We’re not forcing anyone to move to Live. The goal of every trader at Topstep should be to make it Live. If our Risk Team believes that you’re ready for Live capital, you should too. Trust the process, commit to the single account, and find out what you can really achieve!
Do I have to take a payout every 5 days?
No, but consistent payouts are part of what the Express Funded Account is designed for. The idea is to build the habit of regularly withdrawing profit and protecting your capital, just as you would in a Live Funded Account.
I had X amount of Accounts before the change and now just added X more, how will this work?
When moving to Live, your total balance across all your Express Funded Accounts will be capped at your largest single account size ($50K, $100K, or $150K). Any new accounts added after the change will still follow this structure.
I already have a deal with the Risk Team, would this impact that?
This update applies to all Express Funded Accounts moving to Live. If you believe you have an agreement with the Risk Team outside of this policy, it’s best to confirm directly with them.
Once my funds are transferred to Live and I have 30 winning days, can I take a 100% payout?
Yes. When we call you up to Live and create your Live Funded Account, we hope that you will take full advantage of the opportunity and benefits of Live trading with Topstep like unlimited growth potential and uncapped daily payouts.