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DOM Customization and Order Entry
DOM Customization and Order Entry
Updated over 11 months ago

How do I place a stop order in the DOM?

The DOM for Tradovate is right-click/left-click sensitive. This means that using a left or right click will process a different type of order.

When placing a limit order, left-click below the market in the Bid column to go long and left-click above the market in the Ask column to go short. To place a stop limit order for a long position, right-click in the Ask column below the market. To place a stop limit order for a short position right-click the Bid column above the market.


If you would like to change this, you can do so by clicking on 'View Settings' and then selecting 'Settings'


Then, select 'Limit Order - Left Click | Stop Order - Left Click'. Tradovate's DOM will automatically put you in the order type that you would like based on the location of the order in the DOM. For instance, if you left-click for a buy order above the market, it will automatically make that a buy order.


Can I configure the type of stop order used in the DOM?

You can select the type of stop order to use when right-clicking on the DOM. To set your stop type, locate the gear icon at the top right of the DOM:


Click “Stop Type…” and it will open a Configure Stop Type modal. You can then select the type of stop from the dropdown and then anytime you right-click the DOM to place a stop order, it will place the type of stop order selected.


How can I enable or disable the histogram in the DOM?

To enable or disable the histogram in your DOM, locate the gear icon at the top right of the DOM:

To show the histogram, click Histogram and it will update the DOM with a new column to display the volume histogram. To remove it, uncheck the histogram.

How do I change the order flag settings in the DOM?

To modify the order flag settings in your DOM, locate the gear icon at the bottom of the DOM beside the Day/GTC toggle:

The order flag settings modal is opened and you can set the order types from Day orders to GTC (Good Till Cancel) orders as well as enable or disable time release options to send orders or cancel them at specific times in the future. These times can be set “at” a specific time and date in the future or “in” a certain number of hours/minutes/seconds from the current time.

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