If you're wondering what Commissions and Fees exist in the Trading Combine and Express Funded Account, you've come to the right place! Keep reading for important information.
Commissions and Fees in the Trading Combine align with what you will be charged while trading in the real markets in a Live Funded Account. We strive to match our simulated environment as close to live trading as possible, helping you develop stronger skills and healthier habits.
These charges are not paid out of pocket. They are taken out of your account balance automatically with every filled trade you make and are accounted for in your NET P&L.
The Round-Turn fee applies when you both Buy and Sell a futures contract. Each Buy or Sell incurs half of these fees, known as "per side" fees.
View the Commissions and Fees based on your Data Provider:
Fees updated as of March 25th, 2025**
Product | NFA & Clearing fees, round-turn |
CME Equity Futures |
E-mini S&P 500 (ES) | $2.80 |
Micro E-mini S&P (MES) | $0.74 |
E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | $2.80 |
Micro E-mini NASDAQ 100 (MNQ) | $0.74 |
E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY) | $2.80 |
Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2K) | $0.74 |
Nikkei (NKD) | $4.34 |
Micro E-mini Bitcoin (MBT) | $2.34 |
Micro E-mini Ether (MET) | $0.24 |
CME NYMEX Futures |
Crude Oil (CL) | $3.04 |
Micro Crude Oil (MCL) | $1.04 |
E-mini Crude Oil (QM) | $2.44 |
Platinum (PL) | $3.24 |
E-mini Natural Gas (QG) | $1.04 |
RBOB Gasoline (RB) | $3.04 |
Heating Oil (HO) | $3.04 |
Natural Gas (NG) | $3.20 |
Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas (MNG) | $1.24 |
CME CBOT Equity Futures |
Mini-DOW (YM) | $2.80 |
Micro Mini-DOW (MYM) | $0.74 |
CME Foreign Exchange Futures |
Australian $ (6A) | $3.24 |
Micro AUD/USD (M6A) | $0.52 |
British Pound (6B) | $3.24 |
Canadian $ (6C) | $3.24 |
Euro FX (6E) | $3.24 |
Micro EUR/USD (M6E) | $0.52 |
Japanese Yen (6J) | $3.24 |
Swiss Franc (6S) | $3.24 |
E-mini Euro FX (E7) | $1.74 |
Mexican Peso (6M) | $3.24 |
New Zealand $ (6N) | $3.24 |
Micro GBP/USD (M6B) | $0.52 |
CME CBOT Financial/Interest Rate Futures |
2-Year Note (ZT) | $1.34 |
5-Year Note (ZF) | $1.34 |
10-Year Note (ZN) | $1.60 |
30-Year Bond (ZB) | $1.78 |
Ultra-Bond (UB) | $1.94 |
Ultra-Note (TN) | $1.64 |
CME COMEX Futures |
Gold (GC) | $3.24 |
Micro Gold (MGC) | $1.24 |
Silver (SI) | $3.24 |
Micro Silver (SIL) | $2.04 |
Copper (HG) | $3.24 |
Micro Copper (MHG) | $1.24 |
CME Agricultural Futures |
Lean Hogs (HE) | $4.24 |
Live Cattle (LE) | $4.24 |
CME CBOT Commodity Futures |
Corn (ZC) | $4.30 |
Wheat (ZW) | $4.30 |
Soybean (ZS) | $4.30 |
Soybean Meal (ZM) | $4.30 |
Soybean Oil (ZL) | $4.30 |
Tradovate (Tradovate/TradingView)
Product | NFA, Clearing & Commission fees, round-turn |
CME Equity Futures |
E-mini S&P 500 (ES) | $4.28 |
Micro E-mini S&P (MES) | $1.34 |
Nikkei (NKD) | $5.82 |
E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | $4.28 |
Micro E-mini NASDAQ 100 (MNQ) | $1.34 |
E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY) | $4.28 |
Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2K) | $1.34 |
Micro E-mini Bitcoin (MBT) | $5.64 |
Micro E-mini Ether (MET) | $0.84 |
CME Foreign Exchange Futures |
Australian $ (6A) | $4.72 |
Micro AUD/USD (M6A) | $2.20 |
British Pound (6B) | $4.72 |
Canadian $ (6C) | $4.72 |
Euro FX (6E) | $4.72 |
Micro EUR/USD (M6E) | $1.12 |
Japanese Yen (6J) | $4.72 |
Swiss Franc (6S) | $4.72 |
E-mini Euro FX (E7) | $3.22 |
Mexican Peso (6M) | $4.72 |
New Zealand $ (6N) | $4.72 |
Micro GBP/USD (M6B) | $1.12 |
CME Agricultural Futures |
Live Cattle (LE) | $5.72 |
Lean Hogs (HE) | $5.72 |
CME NYMEX Futures |
Crude Oil (CL) | $4.52 |
Micro Crude Oil (MCL) | $1.64 |
E-mini Crude Oil (QM) | $3.92 |
Natural Gas (NG) | $4.72 |
Platinum (PL) | $4.72 |
E-mini Natural Gas (QG) | $2.52 |
RBOB Gasoline (RB) | $4.52 |
Heating Oil (HO) | $4.52 |
Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas (MNG) | $1.84 |
CME CBOT Commodity Futures |
Corn (ZC) | $5.72** |
Wheat (ZW) | $5.72** |
Soybeans (ZS) | $5.72** |
Soybean Meal (ZM) | $5.72** |
Soybean Oil (ZL) | $5.72** |
CME CBOT Equity Futures |
Mini-DOW (YM) | $4.28 |
Micro Mini-DOW (MYM) | $1.34 |
CME CBOT Financial/Interest Rate Futures |
2-Year Note (ZT) | $2.82 |
5-Year Note (ZF) | $2.82 |
10-Year Note (ZN) | $3.12 |
30-Year Bond (ZB) | $3.26 |
Ultra-Bond (UB) | $3.42 |
10 Year Ultra-Note (TN) | $3.30** |
CME COMEX Futures |
Gold (GC) | $4.72 |
Micro Gold (MGC) | $1.64** |
Silver (SI) | $4.72 |
Micro Silver (SIL) | $2.64 |
Copper (HG) | $4.72 |
Micro Copper (MHG) | $1.00** |
Product | NFA, Clearing & Commission fees, round-turn |
CME Equity Futures |
E-mini S&P 500 (ES) | $4.36 |
Micro E-mini S&P (MES) | $1.42 |
Nikkei (NKD) | $5.90 |
E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | $4.36 |
Micro E-mini NASDAQ 100 (MNQ) | $1.42 |
E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY) | $4.36 |
Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2K) | $1.42 |
Micro E-mini Bitcoin (MBT) | $5.72 |
Micro E-mini Ether (MET) | $0.92 |
CME Foreign Exchange Futures |
Australian $ (6A) | $4.80 |
Micro AUD/USD (M6A) | $1.20 |
British Pound (6B) | $4.80 |
Canadian $ (6C) | $4.80 |
Euro FX (6E) | $4.80 |
Micro EUR/USD (M6E) | $1.20 |
Japanese Yen (6J) | $4.80 |
Swiss Franc (6S) | $4.80 |
E-mini Euro FX (E7) | $3.30 |
Mexican Peso (6M) | $4.80 |
New Zealand $ (6N) | $4.80 |
Micro GBP/USD (M6B) | $1.20 |
CME Agricultural Futures |
Live Cattle (LE) | $5.80 |
Lean Hogs (HE) | $5.80 |
CME NYMEX Futures |
Crude Oil (CL) | $4.60 |
Micro Crude Oil (MCL) | $1.72 |
E-mini Crude Oil (QM) | $4.00 |
Natural Gas (NG) | $4.80 |
E-mini Natural Gas (QG) | $2.60 |
RBOB Gasoline (RB) | $4.60 |
Platinum (PL) | $4.80 |
Heating Oil (HO) | $4.60 |
Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas (MNG) | $1.92 |
CME CBOT Commodity Futures |
Corn (ZC) | $5.80 |
Wheat (ZW) | $5.80 |
Soybeans (ZS) | $5.80 |
Soybean Meal (ZM) | $5.80 |
Soybean Oil (ZL) | $5.80 |
CME CBOT Equity Futures |
Mini-DOW (YM) | $4.36 |
Micro Mini-DOW (MYM) | $1.42 |
CME CBOT Financial/Interest Rate Futures |
2-Year Note (ZT) | $2.90 |
5-Year Note (ZF) | $2.90 |
10-Year Note (ZN) | $3.20 |
30-Year Bond (ZB) | $3.34 |
Ultra-Bond (UB) | $3.50 |
Ultra-Note (TN) | $3.20 |
CME COMEX Futures |
Gold (GC) | $4.80 |
Micro Gold (MGC) | $1.72 |
Silver (SI) | $4.80 |
Micro Silver (SIL) | $2.72 |
Copper (HG) | $4.80 |
Micro Copper (MHG) | $1.92 |
Plus500 (T4)
Product | NFA, Clearing & Commission fees, round-turn |
CME Equity Futures |
E-mini S&P 500 (ES) | $4.80 |
Micro E-mini S&P (MES) | Currently Unavailable |
Nikkei (NKD) | $6.34 |
E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | $4.80 |
Micro E-mini NASDAQ 100 (MNQ) | Currently Unavailable |
E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY) | $4.80 |
Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2K) | Currently Unavailable |
Micro E-mini Bitcoin (MBT) | Currently Unavailable |
Micro E-mini Ether (MET) | Currently Unavailable |
CME Foreign Exchange Futures |
Australian $ (6A) | $5.24 |
Micro AUD/USD (M6A) | Currently Unavailable |
British Pound (6B) | $5.24 |
Canadian $ (6C) | $5.24 |
Euro FX (6E) | $5.24 |
Micro EUR/USD (M6E) | Currently Unavailable |
Japanese Yen (6J) | $5.24 |
Swiss Franc (6S) | $5.24 |
E-mini Euro FX (E7) | $3.74 |
Mexican Peso (6M) | $5.24 |
New Zealand $ (6N) | $5.24 |
CME Agricultural Futures |
Live Cattle (LE) | $6.24 |
Lean Hogs (HE) | $6.24 |
CME NYMEX Futures |
Crude Oil (CL) | $5.04 |
Micro Crude Oil (MCL) | Currently Unavailable |
E-mini Crude Oil (QM) | $4.44 |
Natural Gas (NG) | $5.24 |
E-mini Natural Gas (QG) | $3.04 |
Platinum (PL) | $5.24 |
RBOB Gasoline (RB) | $5.04 |
CME CBOT Commodity Futures |
Corn (ZC) | $6.30 |
Wheat (ZW) | $6.30 |
Soybeans (ZS) | $6.30 |
Soybean Meal (ZM) | $6.30 |
Soybean Oil (ZL) | $6.30 |
CME CBOT Equity Futures |
Mini-DOW (YM) | $4.80 |
Micro Mini-DOW (MYM) | Currently Unavailable |
CME CBOT Financial/Interest Rate Futures |
2-Year Note (ZT) | $3.34 |
5-Year Note (ZF) | $3.34 |
10-Year Note (ZN) | $1.60 |
30-Year Bond (ZB) | $3.78 |
Ultra-Bond (UB) | $3.94 |
Ultra-Note (TN) | $3.82 |
CME COMEX Futures |
Gold (GC) | $5.24 |
Micro Gold (MGC) | Currently Unavailable |
Silver (SI) | $5.24 |
Micro Silver (SIL) | Currently Unavailable |
Copper (HG) | $5.24 |