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R|Trader Pro Connection Instructions
Updated over 5 months ago

When using Rithmic's plug-in mode, please note that only 2 external devices or platforms can be connected at a time in the Trading Combine and Express Funded Account, based on the profile username. Traders attempting to connect 3 or more external devices or platforms may experience issues, as the simulation environment restricts connections to 2 in total. For Live Funded Accounts you are able to connect up to 10 external devices or platforms.

R|Trader Pro Connection Instructions

You must fill out the Market Data Requirement forms in R|Trader before you can connect the R|Trader Pro platform to Rithmic.

During installation, you may receive a pop-up to install .Net Framework. Please allow access to this installation in order for your platform to install properly. .Net Framework installations should be available in your Windows Updates or by conducting a web search for the specific .Net Framework the platform is requesting to be installed. If your computer is up to date, your platform should install without this pop-up message.

  1. Download R|Trader Pro from the following link: R|Trader Pro

  2. Install R|Trader Pro by double-clicking on the “RithmicTraderPro” icon that was saved to your PC.

  3. After installation, open R|Trader Pro by double-clicking on the “Rithmic Trader Pro” icon on your desktop.

  4. When the R|Trader login window appears, enter your Topstep® account username and password in the appropriate fields. From the “System” drop-down menu, choose “TopstepTrader”. From the “Gateway” drop-down menu, choose “Chicago Area”.

  5. Make sure Orders, Market Data, and Allow Plug-ins are all set to On.


Commissions and Fees on R|Trader Pro

Within R|Trader Pro, click on the “Recent Orders” icon and you will be able to see any working orders and filled trades for the current day. To look beyond the current day, click on the “Order History” icon. Within R|Trader Pro, click on the “Trader Dashboard” and refer to the "PNL" column to view Net P&L and account balances. If your orders are not seen on R|Trader, please contact Trader Support here.

*In the Funded Account commissions will not automatically be updated in R|Trader. We recommend adding the 'commissions' column so you can see where your commissions are at.

How can I auto-liquidate my own trades?

Please note that any auto-liquidation settings that you use are at your own risk. It is the trader's responsibility to make sure they have tested and vetted their Rithmic Trader. Any use of this feature is at the trader's own risk and no compensation will be made if this feature does not work as intended. We always recommend monitoring your account closely while actively trading.

Auto Liquidate at a Specific Time

As a trader using a Rithmic data-supported platform, you have the ability to adjust your own risk parameters to control the time in which all open positions are liquidated. To enable this feature:

  1. Log into Rtrader and click “Trader Dashboard”.

  2. Right-click on the account in the Trader Dashboard and choose “View Risk Parameters”. You should see this screen below, click on “Risk Parameters set by the Trader”.


3. Double-click on the green box under “Auto Liquidate” and a drop-down will appear allowing you to choose “Enable”. After you enable the auto liquidation feature, be sure to click “Apply” on the bottom right of the screen as shown in the photo below.

After enabling the auto liquidation feature, you can then enter the time frame in which you would like all working orders to be pulled. Be sure to enter the time frame in the 24-hour clock as shown below.

Auto Liquidate for Specific Time Frame per Product

As a trader using a Rithmic data-supported platform, you have the ability to set a time for when trading will be blocked for a specific product. To do so, you follow the above directions for setting up an Auto Liquidation time. You will then see the list of products in which you can set up the time block as the photo shows below. Be sure to enter the time frame in the 24-hour clock as shown below and click “Apply” when finished entering the time.


Navigating R|Trader Pro

  1. Trader Dashboard

    • For viewing account balance information, profit/loss, or open exposure

  2. Positions

    • For viewing open positions that are not appearing on the trading platform

    • For flattening trades when you lose access to your main trading platform

  3. Recent Orders

    • For viewing working orders or order history. Can help pinpoint duplicate orders

    • For pulling open orders when the platform freezes

  4. Recommended Template

    • Our recommended setup so that you don't need to

Trader Dashboard

To add the Trader Dashboard select - File -> Trader Dashboard


From the Trader Dashboard, you can select 'Filter Accounts'. This will help you find a specific account if you need help flattening or adjusting orders on it.


The Dashboard is customizable. If you Right-click on the labels in the top row (highlighted), and select “Add/Remove Columns" you can add columns that will help you to track your trades and remove anything that might be in the way. You can also drag and drop the columns in any order as well.

right click.png


To open the Positions Tab click on File→Positions


You can view and close/flatten open positions using the 'X' in the Positions tab


Once you do that you will need to confirm the exit order (this will also cancel bracket orders)


Recent Orders

To open the Recent Orders Tab click on File→ Recent Orders


On this tab, you can view all of your working orders. Clicking on the red 'X' will cancel the order for you.


You will need to confirm by clicking 'OK'


Recommended Setup

The screenshot below is the set-up that we would recommend for your Rithmic Trader to be able to use all the modules mentioned above. You can view open positions, recent orders, working orders, and account information. This enables you to monitor positions/orders that get sent to the data provider but do not appear on the platform.


R|Trader Pro Platform Support

See the following link for the R|Trader user manual: Trader’s Guide

Rithmic support:

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